Joanna Broad

Hi, I'm Joanna, a budding front-end web developer based out of nottingham in the UK. I have a passion for design and technology, and I'm always looking for new challenges.

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All about me

Hey there! I'm a budding front-end web developer and I just love the way design and technology come together. I have a solid grasp of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with several other frameworks. My biggest passion is creating user-friendly interfaces and bringing creative visions to life on the web. I'm passionate about crafting user-friendly interfaces and bringing creative visions to life.

screen shot of portfolio


This is a site created with astro and tailWind and uses Contentful as the Headless CMS. these 'cards' are all pulled from Contentful using GraphQL and are designed to showcase my works

Social links preview

Social links

I recently completed a front-end mentor project that was designed to help me improve my understanding of layouts and various CSS techniques. This project was particularly beneficial in teaching me how to utilize hover effects, as well as different positioning methods to create visually engaging and responsive designs. Through this project, I was able to hone my skills in front-end development and gain valuable experience in building high-quality user interfaces.This was a front-end mentor project to help me understand layouts, as well as different CSS skills, such as hover and positioning.

preview of the Recipe page

Recipe page

This project is a responsive webpage that displays a card with a title, content, and a table. The page is styled using CSS and includes a media query to adjust the layout for different screen sizes. This page follows a design given to me by front-end mentor.

preview of qu code site

QR code

For my initial project with Frontend Mentor, I was given a set of simple HTML files and images, along with Figma files that served as a visual reference for the webpage. The task was to make the page responsive, and I achieved this by using Flexbox and media queries.

preview of the page

Blog preview card

For this particular front-end mentor project, my objective was to replicate the design and incorporate hover effects on card elements. To accomplish this, I utilized HTML and CSS. However, I decided to take it a step further and wrote the CSS using Sass to enhance my skills and gain more experience in this area.

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